Launching The Rolling Stones' catalogue on TikTok - attaining UGC across multiple sounds and 33M+ views!
We got the absolute honour of bringing The Rolling Stones to TikTok audiences! As this was their introduction to TikTok, we decided to launch a multiple song challenge to see what songs and trends our creators gravitated towards!
Phase 1
Allowing creators to pick a sound that resonates with them
We saw some amazing reactivity from the beginning phase of this campaign, and great uptake from our creators! A huge influx of POV using the lyrics content started to arise, so we decided to amplify this further, still giving creators an option on their song choices!
Phase 2
Amplifying songs that performed well in Phase 1
The results?
The results from this campaign were amazing - we saw some great UGC across multiple sounds with some really creative videos! The A/B testing of multiple sounds allowed us to see what was really reactive, as our results ranged from 200 UGC to 23,000 UGC!
The POV using the lyrics creative picked up as a trend on one sound and we saw so many videos in the same style! The sound is now completely populated by creators using this trend!
Across our multiple sound challenge campaigns, we achieved over 330 videos and over 33.5M views!! 📈
UGC also rose to 33K+ videos across the sounds!
125+ creations
330+ creations